OTA Wednesday

Open Trackbacks Alliance Post for Wednesday. Link to this post in one of your own, track back and be listed below.

More posts later today, including Guard the Borders, Fairtax and whatever else strikes me fancy… Arrrggghhh… (‘K, wait; Talk Like a Pirate Day’s later in the year… Oh well.)


Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

16 Replies to “OTA Wednesday”

  1. Pingback: Pure Gum Spirits
  2. Pingback: LomaAlta
  3. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  4. Pingback: 123beta
  5. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits
  6. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  7. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits

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