This is my Friday Open Trackback Alliance post, extending through Sunday. Link to this post and track back. More below the short post.
Jerry Pournelle [Not Dr. Pournelle: an email from a reader that Dr. Pournelle published] has some good sense to offer about the mess our national intelligence bureaus/departments are in. His observations—as one who has “been there, done that, helped win the Cold War—make so much sense that naturally they’ll not find an ear in Washington D.C. [Note: the rest of Pournelle’s own comments are worth reading, as well]
A small sample:
…DIA evolved precisely because of the following mindset, automatically regurgitated by the STRATFOR analyst: “On the surface, the answer to that is clear: The job of the intelligence community, taken as a whole, is to warn the president of major threats or changes in the international system.”
No. ‘The job of the intelligence community, taken as a whole’, is to provide intelligence data to the entire federal government to support its execution of national policy as established by the President and Congress. And also to support the formulation of that policy.
As I said, I doubt D.C. will listen to that any more than it listens to citizens’ concerns about illegal aliens invading. The political elite und Das Büros (I’d rather spell it “burros” to reflect the assinine nature of bureaucraps) will have none of those vestiges of a democratic republic whose government is actually subordinate to a citizenry…
As I said, this is an Open Trackback Alliance open trackbacks post. Link here and track back.

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

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