New Game at twc

Well, Diane has “Dead Guy on the Sidebar” and Samantha has “Moron of the Week” so I thought I’d see if anyone would play a new game here.

It’s a simple game, and the rules are even simpler: simply answer the question I pose here in comments. Both commenters can submit all the answers they want.

What was I thinking?

OK, time frame: 0-dark-30 this morning.
Sitch: woke to the sounds of thunder and rain, extremely dark. No, darker than that.

What was I thinking?

Thas all folks.

Heading back over to Diane’s Stuff to see if Samantha’s guessed the third Dead Man in the Sidebar. πŸ™‚

17 Replies to “New Game at twc”

  1. What question in the comments? *scratching my head*
    Is the question what were you thinking? That would take 500 psychiatrists to figure out.

  2. Mel: or three bubbas down at the feedstore (muuuuch smarter than p-sychs. :-))

    Diane: good guess. just not my first thought… or really my second, third or any. I stopped worry about tornados when we lived in tornado alley in OK. If they hit, they hit. “Tis a far, far better place I do… “–and no, it’s not Kansas, Toto.


  3. Mel: Now, that’s what I WISH I’d thought (and it IS pretty close to what I thought right before I drifted back off to sleep… :-))…

    No cigar, yet.

  4. Nah. Car was fine. House? Well, windows had something kinda peripheral to do with the first thought that ran through my head, but wasn’t that.

  5. Nope. Time for another hint (clue, whattayacallit):

    I mentioned our bedroom window in a recent post. What could I have been thinking when I woke up at 0-dark-thirty?


  6. Ummm… I’m going to guess that you were daydreaming about your Wonder Woman flying in through the bedroom window, and the rest gets graphic.

  7. You were hoping a bolt of lightning strikes the noisy beggars next door! OR…maybe you were thinking how quiet it was, given that the thunder/rain chased the noisy beggars into their own house.

  8. “Now is the window of our discontent.” Get it? haha. Or maybe “If I kill them now, nobody will see. It’s so dark, and if I time the gunshots with the lightening…..”

  9. Angel, Mel, Namcy: y’all came as close as it can get, I think. Actual thought as I recall it was, “If they [meaning noisy drunk late-Saturday/easrly Sunday partying neighbors] start making noise again now, they’ll WISH THEY had been struck by lightning!”

    Sam: *heh* Now, that’s a dream, fer sure… πŸ™‚

    OK, even with the lil hint, that was kinda tough. Discerning what thoughts ramble through this cluttered mind waking and semi-caffeinated is one thing. Wakened in the middle of the night, disoriented and not long off a dream state? That’s a whole “nother” kettle of fish…

    When I have another random thought that is a lil further off the wall than my norm, I think maybe we’ll play this game again…

    Thanks for all the fish!

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