Lovely Daughter’s new transportation

Lovely Daughter recently bought her first new car. She names all her cars and this one is Yolanda Yaris. She loves the lil bugger (in a very platonic sense–no, not platonic in the modern pejorated sense, in the ancient Platonic sense. *heh*), but we always hurt the ones we love, eh? Meditating on Yolanda’s name, she emerged wi8th this lil mnemonic for you, just to help y’all recall her Lovely Car’s name:

“Yolanda the Yodeling Yaris Yakked Yogurt Yesterday…Yuck!”

Yolanda the Yodeling Yaris and friends

(Note: because of her work with a private social services agency and cos I’m just a tad protective, I obscured/blurred out her face. It doesn’t look anything like the pic! *sheesh!* folks, get your eyes checked! Oh, and yeh, that’s Buttons, the dog we’ve done a lotta doctorin’ n nursin’ of recently, layin’ there at her feet. He got bored while I was taking a buncha pics, yawned and plopped down. :-))

We now return to our regularly scheduled blog posting…

One Reply to “Lovely Daughter’s new transportation”

  1. Mazel Tov onna new wheelzzzzzzzzz Lovely Daughter!..
    Heh…don’t tailgate, don’t speeeeeeeeeeeed, don’t apply
    lipstick while ure drivin..and hand held phones k?..lolz
    otherwise..floooooooooooor it..and enjoy the wind in yer hair!

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