Happy BD, WW!

Well, today’s my Wonder Woman’s birthday anniversary, so this is “pre-posted” and I’m mostly “offline” until the day is done. Just thought that while I’m out for a while on Saturday, I’d leave this lil “mending walls” thought with you…

Central planning and other pillars of the kakistocratic “progressives” is working well, worldwide. *cough* Yeh, well, the principles of self-proclaimed “progressives” (formerly claiming—falsely—to be liberals but really just closet—or not—communists) is working very well… at providing us with very good bad examples, warnings of what NOT to do.

Take Zimbabwe as an argumentum ad absurdum against the communist agenda now calling itself “progressives”. Yeh, yeh, that’s generally a fallacy of reasoning, but when such a sterling example of the outcome of kakistocratic kleptocrats exists, why not hold it up as a warning?

For those of y’all who may have missed it in history/geography/whatever-they-call-it today in school, Zimbabwe was once Rhodesia, arguably the most prosperous and productive country in Africa. Britain ceded colonial rule, turned it over to the indigenous peoples, and the world has watched as typically kleptovratic rule veneered with typical progressive/communist platitudes turned Rhodesia into Zombabwe, one of the most pathetic excuses for a country on the face of the globe today.

Zimbabwe Toilet Paper

That’s a picture of a Zimbabwe $20 bill. It’s no longer in circulation, because of the rampant inflation in Zimbabwe. Consider this lil tidbit from an April 25 NYT article:

How bad is inflation in Zimbabwe? Well, consider this: at a supermarket near the center of this tatterdemalion capital, toilet paper costs $417.

No, not per roll. Four hundred seventeen Zimbabwean dollars is the value of a single two-ply sheet. A roll costs $145,750 in American currency, about 69 cents.

The price of toilet paper, like everything else here, soars almost daily, spawning jokes about an impending better use for Zimbabwe’s $500 bill, now the smallest in circulation.

Oops. That information’s hopelessly outdated. The $500 bill is no longer the smallest in circulation, because it’s being withdrawn. After all, it’s only worth about one swaure of toilet tiissue.

So, anyone left with old Zimbabwe $20s really is better off using them as toilet paper…

Or to light dung fires to cook their food. Hmmm… maybe the dung is worth more…

Thanks for being such a good bad example, Zimbabwe!

Next time you meet a “progressive” (code name for communist, formerly a so-called liberal), Tell him/her you’d be happy to give ’em $1,500,000 to move to Zimbabwe. Just don’t tell ’em it’d be in Zimbabwean currency. (Heck, at about $7.00 a pop, American, I’d be happy to pay a few to leave the country, myself.) Get any takers, it’d at least move another barbarian outside the walls… *heh*

And maybe later I’ll have time to play Whack-a-Mole at TMH’s Bacon Bits (though I’d still rather whack a commie-fag-junkie—”Workerth of the World Unite… and accessorize!” [with apologies to Geirge Carlin… sorta]).

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