Raning Cats n Dogs *heh*

Life. Quite a lotta rain the last coupla days. Mostly shut up inside. Not quite cabin fever, but the animals feel it, too.

Been keeping Buttons mostly inside since Tuesday the 17th, when he looked two ticks shy of doggie heaven. Oh, he seems perfectly fine, now. Wants to go for runs, not walks, etc., but the vet seems to think it’ll be another week or more before we can be sure it really was just a localized infection interfering with/placing pressure on his spine.

So, medium-sized “outside” dog learning about living indoors. Been mostly mannerly, well-behaved.


Our (once-was) boy cat loves to play fetch with some lil superballs. They bounce off things like crazy and he just loves chasing them and bringing ’em back to me to throw again. He even drops them right in my hand most times. Was playing fetch with Jaxson a while ago and… Buttons decided he wanted to play the game, too.

Surprised lil (once-was) boy cat.


Now Jaxson’s just “throwing” the ball for himself.

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