Maybe there’s hope for one or two congresscritters

We’ll see. I found this email in my inbox from Jim Talent, Senator for Missouri:

Sen. Talent Opposes Senate Amnesty Proposal

The Senate is debating immigration reform. Many Missourians have contacted me to express their views on this issue and I wanted to share mine with you. This is a nation of immigrants, but it’s also a nation of laws. I oppose the amnesty measure being considered in the Senate. Congress should not give the benefits of citizenship to those who have entered the country unlawfully; and it’s especially unfair to put them at the front of the line ahead of those who have waited patiently for years to enter the country lawfully.

I share the concerns of many Missourians that the United States requires a border control system that protects us from terrorist attacks, illegal immigration, illegal drugs and other contraband. A lot of people view border security as an immigration issue. It’s not. It’s a national security issue. That is why I introduced the Border Security and Modernization Act, which authorizes $5 billion over five years for security fencing and surveillance along the border, increases penalties for human smuggling, and increases the number of jail beds available to detain those who cross illegally. I will continue to support strong and effective measures to secure the border.

We’ll see if he can stick to his guns. Somebody need to have the stones to tell the reconquistadores to pack their bags an go home. Either that, or this country needs to see what a Texas Tea Party looks like…

Hmmm, seems to me that someone has already written a book about a modern Texas secession

A State of Disobedience

Since we all know California (one of the other hardest-hit states) isn’t going to do anything about the reconquistadores, maybe it’d be for the best if Texas did secede… and annex Mexico.

Just a thought, since I don’t think a few seantors and other congresscritters swimming upstream will stem the tide (another mixed metaphor. I’ll hit my stride this week, yet!).

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