Update: feel free to call 202-456-1111 (the White house comment line) and quote any or all of this post, or simply make your own statement of concern/disappointment.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.
I was not certain that Iraq was the right war at the right time when that adventure began. I had even graver doubts about the wisdom of the Administration’s prosecution of that adventure when Bremmer began botching the victory won, nevertheless, I have remained a supporter of President Bush and even of the Iraq adventure, because I could see where things could work out to our advantage. And indeed, things are lately going pretty much for the better there.
But the rest of the Global War on Terrorism (I steadfastly refuse to use the hideous term “War on Terror” to refer to anything at all—black mark on the Administration for using that abortion of the English language. *heh*) is being poorly prosecuted at best. The Saudis’ feet are scarcely being held to the fire they have stoked; the TSA (and indeed much of the “Homeland Security”-related bureaucracy) is a mess at best and horrible infriongment on a free peoples’ rights at worst; the failure to clearly state the message that our true enemy IS Islam—all are among the many failures of the Bush Administration, and President Bush personally.
Nevertheless, I have steadfastly supported both the president and his policies because they have at least, for the most part, been better than the alternatives.
But his complete surrender to the reconquistadores is the straw now breaking this camel’s back. It’s just one thing too much. The Bush Administration’s committment to NOT actively pursue enforcing our borders and the laws on the books renders it illegitimate. He and his administration have broken faith with the American citizenry, he has voided his pledge to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the land and he has abandoned all principle in the face of political correctness.
And he has shown complete incompetence in so doing.
Heck, simply enforcing laws against the hiring of illegal aliens alone would “deport” millions of illegals over the next few years. If at the same time, his administration actively protected and enforced our borders, the tide would soon turn.
And that’s with no new laws, no extraordinary measures.
Instead, he thumbs his nose at the majority of Americans who KNOW our porous borders are a national security risk. He mouths instead foolish, and patently false, proclamations that we cannot deport the millions of illegals who are already here, and he cedes our sovereignty to (largely) Mexican citizens whose own country does rigidly protect its own borders.
Heck, if Mexico can (and it does) rigidly enforce its own borders, President Bush NOT doing so here is an admission of defeat. Might as well cede the U.S. to Mexico.

Entonces podrÃamos todos aprender español, eh?
Update: feel free to call 202-456-1111 (the White house comment line) and quote any or all of this post, or simply make your own statement of concern/disappointment.
Nailing this thesis to the Conservative Cat’s door and at Diane’s Stuff.
Nice post. A strong and bold stance, I admire you.
Please see Rightwing Nuthouse and his excellent article and
please stop by Linknzona too.
The way I see it is that even if Bush does enforce the laws to the fullest he’ll be out in another few years and if a Democrate is elected who’s to say that they’ll even care to enfore the immigration laws. I could be way off though. I’m not saying that the illegals shouldn’t be given the boot.
Ay Caramba! Comprendo tu espanol!
I suspect that many of us who have been baffled by President Bush’s illogical stance on border security and illegal immigration may have the answer soon, but probably not until after the election. If I had to guess now I would expect historical Texas Bush – Mexico PRI oil ties that morphed into oil and drug ties over the years.