“Some animals are more equal than others… “

Linknzona has an important post up.

Here’s the nut of his case:

Will it be a nation integrated under equal justice? Or will it be a nation with one set of laws for one group and another set of laws for other groups based on race and national origin? We have tried this before and got our bloodiest war ever, 600,000 deaths in the Civil War, to restore equal justice under law. Later it took the upheavals of the bloody Civil Rights struggle when we tried it again nearly a century later. In both cases Americans fought and died for equal justice under law free of race and national origin as means of discrimination.

But here we are again. Our leaders are now saying if you are Hispanic illegal aliens, your rights exceed those of other illegal aliens, and even, the rights of legal immigrants and native born Americans of all races.

“Important” doesn’t say the half of it. Go. Read.

And after reading LomaAlta’s piece at Linknzona, I recommend this article on immigration from The Center for Reclaiming America’s online book, “Issues Tearing Our Nation’s Fabric”. A sample:

The problems created by these inequities cannot be measured in dollars and cents or in quality of life alone. At this moment there are nearly four million eligible people on waiting lists for legal immigration to this country; some have waited as long as eighteen years. But illegal immigration has further extended the delay, as the steady stream of invading peoples makes a mockery of American law and immigration policies and places law-abiding citizens and thousands of legal aliens at a disadvantage.

This political football game that congresscritters (and yes, President Bush) have turned into a game of “keep away from the electorate” is more than just an issue of economics, as many political poltroons play it, more than an issue of political and diplomatic relations with Mexico or any other country, more than just an “immigration issue” (as many paint it). It is an issue of justice, of fairness, of security and of soveriegnty.

Will we be a nation of equal justice, regardless of race, creed or national origins? Will we even survive the depredations of Washington pols to be a nation at all?

Asking, “Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?” at Basil’s, TMH’s Bacon Bits, Woman Honor Thyself and Freedom Folks.

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