The (Original) “Golden Bear” is Spinning in His Grave

That rumble you may hear coming from Sweden isn’t an undercurrent of growing Swedish displeasure with Muslim immigrants’ misbehavior. It’s probably Gustavus Adolphus turning over (at high RPMs) in his grave.

The country that once fielded one of the fiercest, most successful armies the world has ever known is being conbquered by Dar-al-Islam at an accelerating rate. Because the once fiece Swedes are now roll-over-and-whine puppies who will apparently submit to any abuse in order to appease their invaders conquerors. For example,

…85% of Sweden’s rapes are committed by immigrants or their unassimilated first-generation offspring. Most of the rapists, like most of those immigrants, are Moslems. The Moslems boast of Swedish society’s lack of will to stop them. And the Swedish establishment averts its eyes.

And this is what “progressives” in this country want for us, as well.

Read Eric Raymond’s (Armed and Dangerous) “Islam Is At War With Us”

And while you are reading that, load his Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto in a background tab. A (very, very brief) sample:

WE THEREFORE ASSERT the following convictions as the premises of the anti-idiotarian position:

THAT Western civilization is threatened with the specter of mass death perpetrated by nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons placed in the hands of terrorists by rogue states;

THAT the terrorists and their state sponsors have declared and are pursuing a war not against the vices of Western civilization but against its core virtues: against the freedom of thought and speech and conscience, against the life of reason; against the equality of women, against pluralism and tolerance; against, indeed, all the qualities which separate civilized human beings from savagery, slavery, and fanaticism…

(h.t. to Chaos Manor Musings/Mail for the link to ESR’s AIM.)

Sounding the alarm at Cao’s Blog, Blue Star Chronicles, Stuck On Stupid, and Outside the Beltway.

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