

A springtime day; a windy hill:
A man had come to die.
Torture done, the crowd grew still:
He breathed out one last sigh.

Prince of life; Creator-Son–
Died on Calv’ry’s tree:
Lord of all creation,
Crucified for me!

Then all the shadowed sway of earth
Groaned aloud in pain–
That God, who came in humble birth,
Had died for mankind’s gain.

Prince of life; Creator-Son–
Died on Calv’ry’s tree:
Lord of all creation,
Crucified for me!

But as the heav’ns in darkness raged
And oceans foamed and roared,
Christ, the Son, would not be caged,
So, from death’s prison—soared.

Prince of Life; Creator-Son:
Victorious, the battle’s won.

©1993 David W Needham

Yes, this is my weekend open post. Link to this post and track back through Easter Sunday.

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

Noted at TMH’s Bacon Bits, Stop the ACLU and Rhymes With Right

28 Replies to “Cruci-fix”

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  9. David, dear friend, I’ve been trying and trying to send thru a TB from my Good Friday post, but TPad and WPress are arguing again.

    I loved this poem (or is it a hymn?) for this season! Thank you so much, dear blog-brother, for your strong and real witness. Please give my love to your Lady Wife, and tickle the kids on my behalf so they know that “Aunt Kat” is a crazy person (and so you can get snugglies from your kids and blame me, LOL)

    Hugs to you and yours, and may you all be in awe of the blessed wonder of the Resurrection, and give aboundant thanks for the grace of the Sacrifice!

    — R’cat

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