Teaser—the psychotic world of modern liberalism

I hesitated to even use the word “liberalism” in the post title, because that’s actually a part of the “liberal psychosis”—amphibolous use of terms that mean something until, finally, the term has been used so many different and contradictory ways that it is virtually meaningless.

That’s the first clue one often has that someone in a conversation is a liberal psychotic: they use words in ways that make one think they are sane, but eventually one realizes that when they say “white” they are talking about what every sane person knows is “black”.

Example: free speech. Seems plain enough, doesn’t it?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The “free speech” clause is plain, simple, readily understandable by anyone who has grade school literacy. “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech…” Currently, “liberals” take that clause to mean that common folks have no right to speak out publicly against a candidate for election within a certain period of time before said election occurs (McCain-Feingold–arch-“liberal” Feingold and snake-in-the-grass McCain, who pretends to call himself a conservative), and that Congress ought to abrogate the free speech of organizations that offer women an alternative to abortion.

“Free speech” is only allowed in the liberal psychotic’s view when that speech either agrees with the preconceptual biases of the liberal psychotic or can be marginalized, demonized or simply shut up. That’s right: as the two examples already cited demonstrate, if a view opposing that of “liberals” can be silenced, then it is deemed “free speech”.

Crazy, huh?

OK, I said this was a teaser, and it is. This is an extremely brief intro to a multi-post exploration of “liberal psychosis”—also known as “reality-based fantasy”—that I expect to post in small pieces over the next few weeks. If I had not posted this teaser, I probably would have simply let the thing slide, but now I have to get it out.

Tell you what. Post your contributions or arguments in comments here and I’ll include or rebut them—giving credit where due—as time goes on.

BTW, Angel has her first OTA Open Trackback party this weekend. Go ahead and trackback to her post, wouldya?

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