(Yeh, Friday’s Open Trackback Alliance post is open All Weekend Long—link to this post and trackback. See more info below the post body.)
If you’ve missed these gems in the last few days, buckle up, start clicking and enjoy the ride.
Christine just won’t put her teacup down… unless there’s a good cuppa joe or a luscious piece of chocolate needing her attention. Check out Jerry Garcia’s Magic Herb Tea and Yesterday & Today for samples. And DO click on over to her Flikr CTC photoset (get the link at her place) for pics of enough goodies to put on five ten pounds just from looking at the pics. She even throws a lil bit of jazz music history in for spice!
The Random Yak has The Random Carnival up, and it’s a wittier roundup of interesting material than I can do (though somehow one of my posts even ended up there! Miracles happen, eh? :-)). Well, even the carnival name and format is… uniquely Yak-ish: Carnival of Random Posts I Think You Should Read. *heh* Commenting is still “unenabled” there, so send ’em an e-, wouldya?
The English Guy Discovers Dawn; alarm clock works. *heh*
Civilization committing suicide: responsible behavior and welfare. *sigh* Would that it were a joke.
TSA goons abuse 83-year-old woman. Move along. Nothing to see here… Anarcho-tyranny. “When a stupid man does something he knows is wrong, he always insists it is his duty” or something to that effect… Just read it. You’ll feel oh so very much safer. I promise. (And I have some wonderful ocean-front property in Arizona I think you’d find interesting, too.)
Angel is getting focused on what’s important this time of year, here and here. (Thanks for the reminder, Angel. I’ve been meaning to get a couple of those kindsa posts up myself.)
Woody does a riff off a piece from the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller.
Alexandra keeps attracting the poles apart folks: reasonable folk who appreciate arguing from fact and the “usual suspects” from the realm of internet trolldom who think endless links to fantasies and repeated lies constitute argument. Hey, Alexandra! Don’t hog all the trolls, OK? 🙂 Some of us like to dress them up and use them as rhetorical targets. Cute lil buggers spouting gibberish and all that…
And over at Big Lizards, Daffy ab Hugh points out an insidious polemic fallacy. I try to make a similar argument from time to time, but he does it in his typically pellucid style.
S’all for now.
As I said, this is an Open Trackbacks post all weekend long. Link this post and track back.

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

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