Death by Remote Control

Air Force Predator UAV Engages Insurgents Placing IED


Balad Air Base, Iraq — An MQ-1B Predator unmanned aerial vehicle engaged three anti-Iraqi forces in the process of placing an improvised explosive device along a road near Balad Air Base yesterday evening. The Predator launched an AGM-114 Hellfire missile against the group.

Result: Three dead terrorists. A very good thing.

Even better? After the in-theater guys have launched the Predators in Iraq, control of the vehicles are handed off to teams of controllers based… at Nellis AFB, Nevada. So these terrorists were taken out from literally thousands of miles away, by remote control.

h.t. Chaos Manor Musings/Mail

Handing off to Adam’s Blog.

4 Replies to “Death by Remote Control”

  1. What was especially interesting about the report is that the observers let the terrorists dig their hole for half an hour before blowing them up….

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