“Reconquistas” = Deportees

“Deportees” is the name we should start calling ALL “illegal aliens”. Why? Frankly, this “protest” from Pioneer, California students is enough:


And do see THIS POST, Tuesday’s regular Guard the Borders post, which has links to some VERY IMPORTANT background posted by LinkZona on why control of our borders/immigration is essential to our country’s survival. THIS IS NOT AN OPTION. We either establish a firm control on our borders and on immigration or the U.S. WILL NOT SURVIVE.

h.t. Michelle Malkin

Sounding the alarm at Adam’s Blog, Blue Star Chronicles and This May… Or Not

9 Replies to ““Reconquistas” = Deportees”

  1. UGH..this image made me sick..jus did a post on soldier’s effects and
    remnants of human remains found at the WTC and then to witness
    the unmitigated gall of these illegal “Deportees”!..o man..I am
    losin faith in our government by the minute.

  2. This Pix is really disgusting. I grew up on farms in Southern Indiana where they used illegals.
    My brother-in-law used to be an illegal. Personally, I’ve gotten to where they make me sick.
    You can’t go out and not see one of them ogle over teenage AMERICAN

  3. This Pix is really disgusting. I grew up on farms in Southern Indiana where they used illegals.
    My brother-in-law used to be an illegal. Personally, I’ve gotten to where they make me sick.
    You can’t go out and not see one of them ogle over teenage AMERICAN girls, while speaking in
    their own language. Just because we’re American doesn’t mean we can’t speak Spanish. Many of them
    are perverts and act like pediphiles. They’re in their 30’s and 40’s and these girls can be young
    teens and still do that. I’ve had to tell them to shut up about my daughter and look somewhere else.
    Fortunately she is now older and knows sign language and we communicate that way and it confuses
    Another sickening thing… our country has been sold down the river. I am a true American Patriot.
    I bleed Red, White and Blue. I have a Soldier in the Sandbox and another leaving in Jan o7 for Basic.
    However, try going to the store and buy a piece of luggage not made in China, a small appliance, a
    GEORGE FORMAN, uNIDEN PHONES, and many other items. China owns us and they won’t even sell our
    products there. We even caught them stealing our technology and selling it back to us.
    What to we do? We ask, when do you want us to bend over again??? It’s like having a neighbor
    constantly bad mouthing the neighborhood and then everyone goes to his yardsale to he can
    raise money to one day buy a gun to kill us all.
    We’ll be sorry for it.

  4. I say we round up those kids and ship them over to Mexico, illegals or citizens. After six months we give the citizens a chance to come home. Sometimes the best response is a “disproportionate” one. :>

  5. i saw this image months ago and was totally disgusted by it. i actually posted about the situations which brought this image about on my blog site. oddly enough all of this was happening at the same time that the school i work at decided to start a “dual language program”…gee guess what the second language to be taught is? i posted this image on our in house news at work and, needless to say, it was not well received by everyone-especially our superintendent (the one that decided to start “our” dual language program. why can’t our children just learn english? the answer is an old question, “how do you cook a frog?”.

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