(Yeh, Open Trackback Post. Link here and track back. See below for more info on the Open trackback Alliance and Linkfest Haven)
Following up on a citation in Chaos Manor Musings/View, I read A Plan to Replace the Welfare State, in Opinion Journal Online. The model Charles Murray proposes isn’t THE answer (for one thing it’s still keeping the feds in the income redistribution business), but it’d be a profound change from what is, and could have some positive effects on society. And would definitely have unforeseen effects, as well…
But it would at least address one serious issue in our society, as well as re-introducing at least some Darwinian effects.
…For the great majority of people living in advanced societies, it is easily possible to go through life accompanied by social companions and serial sex partners, having a good time, and dying in old age with no reason to think that one has done anything significant.
Murray is worth listening to, but I fear the Mass Media Podpeople and their ilk will simply NOT let something that emphasizes personal responsibility get off the ground…

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at
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