“Invasion” is the only accurate description of the illegal alien problem this country faces. And the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army is in the vanguard providing support…
UPDATE: Here’s one reason “multi-culturalism” is a prescription for destruction of the U.S. from within:
See this post for mini-micro-rant.
This week’s Guard the Borders blogburst from Heidi features some of my favorite essays on the topic from LinkZona.
This past week there were numerous demonstrations across the country, as immigrants were organized to protest any federal legislation that would tighten immigration enforcement. The rallies were organized by unions, church groups, socialist activists, civil rights advocates, and immigrant organizations to demand free immigration rights as their due and protest the “unjust laws” of our nation.
Los Angeles had the nation’s largest mobilization of immigrants ever, which the LA Times described as “boisterous” and “spirited” and “mostly peaceful”: “The marchers included both longtime residents and the newly arrived, bound by a desire for a better life and a love for this county.” (“Newly arrived” being a politically-correct euphemism for “illegal”.) The estimated crowd of 500,000 proudly carried tens of thousands of Mexican flags, which belied the blissful claim that they are “bound by a love for this country”.
“There has never been this kind of mobilization in the immigrant community ever,” said Joshua Hoyt, executive director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. “They have kicked the sleeping giant. It’s the beginning of a massive immigrant civil rights struggle.”
In Georgia, many Latinos protested a newly passed bill aimed at curbing illegal immigration by not working or shopping for the day. Guess what? The state’s economy didn’t collapse! A small American rally in Temecula, CA, focused on border security and law enforcement. We also saw peaceably demonstrating American citizens attacked by an unruly crowd of pro-illegal immigration and socialist protesters in Indiana.

Photo by Freedom Folks
This week, our Senate continues the debate on illegal immigration, with an upcoming vote on the McCain-Kennedy Amnesty bill. And, pressing for his “guest worker” program, our President repeats the tired (and untrue) refrain that our country needs these workers to do what Americans won’t:
“We must remember there are hardworking individuals, doing the jobs that Americans will not do, who are contributing the economic vitality of our country,” the president said in his weekend radio address.
However, the Minuteman Party has responded:
No longer content to sit on the sidelines while politicians sell out our sovereignty and turn our citizenship into a yoke of slavery in the service of foreign interests, we are fighting that government “of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth”.
What is this precious sovereignty that we need to safeguard? Why is it central to our existence as a free nation? And how does it relate to our national security? Considering the fact that pro-illegal immigration forces were able to mobilize hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to demonstrate their demands for what Americans have and their rights to the privileges of our citizenship, it is imperative that we understand how much we have to lose. Because once lost, it can never be regained. These issues have been addressed in layman’s terms in a series of excellent essays by LinknZona. The first in the series defines security and sovereignty and how the two are irrevocably linked (reproduced below with permission). Links to the follow-on essays provide a step-by-step examination of the true impact of unchecked immigration and permissive illegal immigration on our sovereignty as a nation.
Security and Sovereignty No. 1: What Are We Talking About?
This is the first post in a new series addressing the security and sovereignty of the United States. These words are related but quite different in meaning and nuance. Security is a noun meaning safety, the absence of danger or risk. In the national context, it means vigilance and actions taken by the government to prevent invasion, attack, and the sabotage, spying, and treason that accompany them; the totality of measures taken to keep the nation safe and free from danger. More realistically in today’s world, rather than free from danger; security means to minimize the risks or threats.
Sovereignty is a noun and means a government free from external control or the authority of one country to govern another. An important point is the source of sovereignty. The historical model of a kingdom was that the king ruled by divine right. In a totalitarian state power is gained and then held by force and coercion. In democratic countries, i.e. the US, power derives from the people. There are additional forms and various gradations between the definitions, but for the purposes herein, we will emphasize totalitarian and democratic countries.
One shudders at the thoughts of countries without a history of security: Poland, Israel, and the Low Countries – these have been invaded throughout history and repeatedly have lost their sovereignty. That they stand free today is a tribute to man’s strength and hope. Jordan kicked the Palestinians out of their country and chased them into Lebanon and for more than a quarter of a century Syria held de facto sovereignty over most of Lebanon. In contrast, the United Kingdom has remained a sovereign nation for centuries.
A country can lose its sovereignty in several ways. By conquest, by a division or a ceding as in a small country caught between two powerful neighbors, by appeasing an aggressive neighbor with territory or control, or by allowing migration, or infiltration of peoples from one country into another one until sufficient numbers and power are gained by the infiltrators to demand partitioning or complete control. Thus, we see the link between security and sovereignty. In the ever dangerous world in which we live, sovereignty cannot be maintained without security. Therefore, if sovereignty is the will of the people then they must devise and organize a national strategy for security. Sovereignty requires security from war and conquest, from domination by other countries and partitioning or territorial ceding, security from threats and intimidation, and security from infiltration.
Security and Sovereignty No. 2: Setting the Ground Rules
A summary of the sworn duty of the one person most responsible for our security and sovereignty: the President.
Security and Sovereignty No. 3: The President’s Duties
In light of the President’s Constitutional duties to our national security and sovereignty, this essay assesses how he is meeting the obligations of his duty.
Security and Sovereignty No. 4: How Many Illegal Aliens are in America?
Frighteningly enough, no one really knows. The sheer volume of illegal border crossings makes any figure a guesstimate. How secure can our country be when millions of unknown foreigners are crowding our towns and cities?
Security and Sovereignty No. 5: A Tale of Two Small Businesses
What’s the overall economic impact of illegal aliens on American workers and taxpayers? The short answer is they cost America hundreds of billions of dollar a year.
Security and Sovereignty No. 6: A Threat to Our Two Party System and Some Steps We Can Take
This essay outlines the threat of illegal immigration to our sovereignty and what we might do to save America. The short answer is that we must eliminate illegal immigration, preserve our two party system, and restore respect for the rule of law in America.
These essays are offered to our readership because knowledge is power, and forewarned is forearmed. If the pro-illegal alien crowd is geared up towards positioning wide open borders as a “massive immigrant civil rights struggle” then we have to make sure that the “sleeping giant” they’ve kicked is not ignorant of the ultimate costs of his continued inaction. This giant doesn’t have the luxury of sleep anymore – there is too much at stake.
This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It is syndicated by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration in our country, join the Blogburst! Send an email with your blog name and url to euphoricrealitynet at gmail dot com.
Manning the walls at Committees of Correspondence.
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