Surely I’m not the only one

And yeh, I know: don;t call you Shirley.


Anywho, y’all having fun with trackback spammers? Anyone? OK, now, riase your hands. Who has gotten over 1,000 trackback spams in the last day or do? Anyone? Else, I mean.

OK, you can put your hands down, now. (I wasn’t paying attention anyway,)

I need to send a nice email out to the guy who developed Spam Karma. Great lil plugin. Only two of 1,013 1,021 1,031 spam trackbacks (just checked;and again; it’d changed. twice, while writing this… so far) in the last 20 hours got through its filters. Three false positives (removed from the number above).

Not bad. The number of SPAMs—total, including your run-of-the-mill comment SPAM—Spam Karma has caught and nuked in the last five weeks is only about five times as many as in the last 20 hours or so. Somebody’s being a very bad boy (boys–or girls–actually) but I have several of the biggest offenders’ IP addresses logged, and am thinking long and hard on their fate…

So, a question: what circle of hell do SPAMMers belong in? What would be your fantasy method of arranging their transfer to that location?

It’s NOT trackback SPAM at Stuck on Stupid’s Weekend Trackback Party

6 Replies to “Surely I’m not the only one”

  1. Well, this has been up for a whole day, now, and no one’s chimed in. (He would, of course.) That must mean either

    1.) My traffic’s way down (Yep. Barely a couple hundred unique pairs of eyeballs yesterday?assuming I had no one-eyed readers?after subtracting spammers, web crawling spiders?Spiders?!?! Where?!? Kill! *LOL*?etc.) and/or
    2.) No one else is getting hit like this.

    Nah. Can’t be number 2.


    Singin’ “All by myself… “

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