Squirrels Line Dancing *sigh*/Open Post

Big storm(s) in and around third world county last night. The worst of it was several counties away, north and south, though, which explains why my broadband access is out today. Lovely Daughter’s car suffered hail damage (it was her night to be parked on the street–shared garage). Just the driver’s side window gone, though.

Reduced to extremely slow and hinky dialup (either squirrels are line dancing on the local telco’s chewing-gum-and-baling-wire “infrastructure” *cough* or some baling wire is about to give out down the line…

Link to this post and track back. If I can, later I have a coupla posts to get up, but it’s taken an hour on this connection just to get this far. *sigh*

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven

15 Replies to “Squirrels Line Dancing *sigh*/Open Post”

  1. Pingback: Random Yak
  2. Pingback: Freedom Folks
  3. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits
  4. Ouch! I’ve heard about hail damage, but for some reason I’ve been lucky, between my stints in CA, MI, and MD (plus many visits to KS, TN, TX, AL), to have always avoided serious hail. Did have a hailstorm once in Santa Barbara, of all places.

    Hope you’re back with more bandwidth and soon!

  5. Dial Up?…u poor baby..lolz..Sorry jus reminiscin back inna day
    when it took 43 minutes and 6 seconds for a simple page to
    download!..Good lux!..hail?..sheesh. Good job yer daughter wasnt
    in the car at the time.

  6. Pingback: The Median Sib
  7. Pingback: The Median Sib

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