Advantages to Living in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢

This won’t be an exhaustive list. I’ll hold myself to the top five Advantages to Living in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢

5. Beautiful landscapes. I’m not talking about scenic drivebys, although we have those in abundance, still. No, the beautiful landscapes I’m talking about are all around us. I can walk out on my back deck and see across the creek from our property land that seems as untouched as when this area was first settled in the 1820s. And I live “in town” (by about 150 feet).

4.) Low, low crime rate. See #3 below. Save for a few idiot meth labbers who are too damned stupid to realize that their neighbors can too tell they’re running a lab (and turn them in), it’s remarkably safe living in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢. The only real danger folks run here is from outsiders and sometimes trigger-happy sheriff’s deputies (who in any case are inevitably outsiders themselves… letting off at other outsider troublemakers). Most Third World Countians know what Gun Control means…

3.) Gun racks in darned near every pickup truck. With guns racked and ready for use. Some kid expelled for having a rifle in his pickup in the high school parking lot? You HAVE to be kidding! He probably just got to school after an early morning hunt and is on his way back out as soon as the last class dismisses. Fuggetaboutit. And I KNOW alla my neighbors are armed and dangerous… to intruders who are the ones who need to BOLO (for armed and dangerous homeowners).

2.) It’s easy to get to know most folks. Why, the town I live in has a population smaller than the high school I attended, lo these many years ago. Most folks know when their neighbors need help… and pitch right in.

1.) Democraps are an endangered species in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢, and most of the ones that can still be found are pretty far to the right of the National Republican’ts…

Well, except for one class. *sigh* Faux liberals do populate the school system to a degree, the only place a concentration of that silly crowd can be found in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢. And yes, sadly I admit that the schools of America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ are the weakest link. Oh, and American “crap culture” is intruding ever more and more into the area via WallyWorld, MTV and the prisons for kids masquerading as public schools.

Why, if we’re not careful, pretty soon, America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ will become as degenerate and debased as the rest of the country!

But you can still find a majority of the folks here in church on Sunday morning; you can still gather a big crowd for a patriotic rally (and NO ONE for a protest against America); you can still find folks whose word is as good as gold (and better than most written contracts) and who’d help a stranger out of a tough spot (while keeping their eyes open and their powder dry).

Yeh, there’s still a bit of that American spirit alive here, much as it was when the first settlers came to this area in the 1820s.

Would that that spirit could be found more and more across this land.

Maybe… maybe if folks would just turn off the boob tube. Sit on their front porch and get aquainted with their neighbors, get involved in their own communities and start looking out for each other, the squeals, whines and barking of moonbats would fade to obscurity and we’d find ourselves in a different land than we seem to find ourselves in today.

Sing-songing Jack Sprat and Baa-Baa-Black Sheep over at TMH’s Bacon Bits while Margery Daw has her way with the see-saw… (Nah, TMH; that’s not a comment on your work schedule. :-))

One Reply to “Advantages to Living in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢”

  1. Well as for me I seem to be in “la la” land, for which you
    got top billing in mah mornin post (for so subtly pointin out to me yesterday) in my post today..lolz
    ..heh…Sounds lovely!..the throwback to the good ole days..
    Sounds like Mayberry RFD.are Andy and Aunt Bee around?..lolz

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