Scum Rises to the Top

Kakistocracy: Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens.

In politics, education and entertainment, as a general rule the worst, stupidest and most venal rule.

Take Congress (Please!!!). Jean Fraud sKerry. Teddy “Swimmer” Kennedy. “Leaders of the pack.” OK, ‘Nuff said. Saves a load of time and typing.

Education? Just look at the idiotic “let’s experiment on the children” fads over the past 35-40 years emmanating from the fever swamps of schools of education:

  • “look-say” approaches to reading that teach illiteracy (turning a language of phonetic representation into hierogylphics–yeh, real smart. Dumbasses).
  • “new maths” approaches that have produced children who score abysmally against the children of other countries.
  • touchie-feelie “self-image” crap that teach children to accept, even celebrate failure as a good thing by removing accomplishment from self-image

Need I go on?

And that’s just the stupidity coming from so-called schools of education. Educrats in Washington D.C. and at the state level have to demonstrate their stupidities as well… and do, on a daily basis.

And then there are pubschool administrators, demonstrably the stupidest, least well-informed or educated people in our “prisons for kids.”

And for a litany of idiocy in Mass Media Podpeople (including Hollyweirdites), one needs only to check in on The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns for her Moron of the Week posts, which are dominated by Mass Media Podpeople.

What to do, what to do…

Fence off the Left Coast and move ’em all there. Do NOT build a fence on the southern border where CA and Mexico meet. Let the LLMs have alla the illegals they want. Heck, if we move alla the school administrators, educrats, Loony Left Moonbats, Mass Media Podpeople, Congresscritters and their ilk to the Left Coast and leave their southern border open, Al-Qaeda or some other Islamic buddy-buddy-with-the-left group could end up eliminating them all for us.

Then real people could get down to the business of commonsense solutions to real problems.

Thumbing my nose at idiots everywhere via The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns’ Open Trackback Saturday.

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