Sunnis v. Shiites in Iraq

Yeh, it’s been all over the news. I’ve been waiting for aomething new, more info, but it’s just the same old same old.


The bombing of a “sacred Shiite shrine” (whatever “sacred” means to the followers of The Butcher of Medina) set off a round of reprisals.

About time. As far as home grown terrorism goes, is there any doubt that the overwhelming majority is comprised of Saddam’s pet Sunnis getting their panties in a twist over not being able to enjoy a free hand torturing, raping and killing Shiites?

“Oh, dear me!” the handwringers whine, moan and wail, “This could split Iraq!”

And rightly so. Will no one say the obvious?

The Sunnis and Shiites are almost entirely composed of different tribes who have been at each others’ throats—metaphorically, in times of the rare brutal, but fair, ruler, but more often than not, in graphically physical ways—for hundreds of years. I say, give the Shiites enough weaponry and training to knock the Sunnis down to size.

A much smaller size than they are now. Serves ’em right.

Oh, and would someone PLEASE let the Kurds go their own way? The Kurds are by and large much too fine a people to force them into association with the cretins to the south… Give ’em enough weaponry and training and support to stand off incursions from Iran, Turkey and the creeps to the south, and let them be Kurds, not forced to associate with curs.

Calling for the resurrection of the Saracens at TMH’s Bacon Bits.

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