Well, for a couple of weeks I tried to insult Muslims so I could get a few death threats of my own. They’d drop in from Dubai or Saudi Arabia after searching for “filthy whore” in Arabic (long story) and go scooting off with their tails between their legs, though.
What’s a guy gotta do to get a little “respect” from our brothers in The Religion of Hate, Intolerance, Butchery, Rape and Slavery?
Heck, I even posted a realo nice pic of The Butcher of Medina in a pink dress! And what did I get? Not one illiterate scrawl from a splodydope moose-limb.
If it weren’t for alla you nice folks linking here and tracking back, I’d begin to think I was all alone in the world… *wah*
Just link to this post and trackback, ‘K?
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What happened to the pink dress post, by the way? I was working out a post linking to it — sorry I was so slow about it — and then it disappeared. Fatwa?
Boy, those jerks ARE really evil. They won’t even send you a death threat when you want one. Pure evil.
I feel for ya, all my nasty cartoons and I got diddley, too.
AbbaGav: Man, that was a week ago! It’s scrolled off the front page by now, but it’s available through the link in this post or by CLICKing on the Calendar for the 17th (I think) or by hitting “previous posts” at ther bottom of the page or the “February” archives link or… by special appointment if you can line up a splodydope to come visit me in twc (I know of some kudzu the doof’s stinky corpse could be used to poison).
Sam: Yeh, what is it with those guys? I mean, your Olympic cartoon alone shoulda gotten some doofuses to chime in–I mean, after all, it was clear enough for even the 80+% of Muslims who are falling-down-drunk illiterate to understand… Oh, well, Despair’s a deadly sin, so I’ll not give up the fight. Here’s hoping some savage bastard who’s a follower of Mohammed (may he rot in hell forever), the Butcher of Medina, will get on the stick and have someone with more than two active brain cells in their cerebral cortex explain our respective positions to the splodydope… preferably with an axe handle.
No one could say that you haven’t been trying hard enough, David. Don’t lose heart. 😀
If you really want a Fatwa, here’s how to get it.