Smile! You’re On Candid Camera

You may have heard through some media source the comment that Houston Police Chief Harold Hurtt made this past Wednesday, February 15, 2006. Mark the date. It’s only 22 years later than George Orwell predicted in his classic novel, “1984“. Hurtt has been quoted as saying that he wants surveillance cameras on downtown streets, apartment complexes and shopping malls. When asked whether the need for cameras extends to private homes, he said,

“If they’re putting a burden on the criminal justice system and cheating the other residents of Houston, yes.”


“If you’re not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it?”

Well for one thing you ignorant Neanderthal it’s against everything this country was founded on. For another I might not remember there’s some freedom sucking voyeur watching my every move and do something as illegal as getting undressed and giving you or whoever’s supposed to be watching these things the thrill of their lives. When you or they die of a heart attack by being totally overcome with my beauty then I’d end up on Death Row. It would be my fault right?

You know I’ve heard some stupid things in my time, I do after all have three kids and a husband, but this has got to top the list. What in the world makes you think that any one has the right to take my privacy away in a home I’ve paid for with my own hard work and sweat? What makes you think TEXAS citizens would allow this? If you want to catch this girl doing something illegal you damn well better catch me out in public because if you try to come into MY house with a camera to watch me there’s gonna be some discussion.

Give Me A BREAK!


Crossposted At:

Diane’s Stuff

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