Helpful hint (A Free JK’s 180/Open Post)

A helpful hint for Jean Fraud sKerry… in an Open Post so that perhaps alla the linky stuff will eventually carry the help to his jackass ears.

Yep: doing this with the aid of Linkfest Haven and alla the fine bloggers linking in (hint-hint yourself, folks! :-)). Link here and trackback.

Hey! Jean Fraud (and all the skis a-slope), sorry to see you’ve been getting little press recently. Sure, sure, ya had a little press time with your fail-ibuster flop, but you really need to flip that somehow, cos you’ve had virtually zippo for the last coupla weeks.

How are you ever gonna get to be Billary’s running mate in ’08 if you can’t get more press?

Hey! Here’s an idea! Now, don’t ignore this one; it could keep your sour puss on the top o’ the news for MONTHS–it’s a blockbuster of an idea:

Release your records.

Yeh, yeh, I know you promised multiple times to do so. And I know you even said you kept that promise—first during the ’04 campaign when you said alla your records were on your website and released to the press, then nearly a year after you said that, telling us all you finally had released your records… to two “news” organs (let’s not say which organs, but anatomically speaking the LASlimes and the Boston Glob are somewhere near the end of the alimentary canal) who have since released… uh, zippo.

So, you want your mug in the news, ya hafta do something newsworthy, even completely out of character. So, how about you…. *SHOCKER*… make good on your word and *EARTH-SHATTERING NEWS* Let your records go.

If there’s nothing there, it’s still be an amazing news story, “Kerry Stops Lying!!!”

Wow. Think of the ink.

No More sKerry BS_button.jpg

Noted at Cao’s, where you too can join the Free John Kerry’s 180 Blogburst. See my sidebar for tons of other fine blogs involved.

Join the blogbursts to help FREE Kerry’s 180 every Tuesday!

We’ve formed a blogburst group and here are the bloggers who are contributing so far. If you want to join the blogroll for Free Kerry’s 180, click here to email me, include the url for your blog. The blogburst is every Tuesday, so don’t forget to blog about it. All you have to do is encourage Kerry to set his 180 FREE, I’ll send you the code for the blogroll.

Also noted at Adam’s Blog (where Adam needs a cuppa joe… or three :-))

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