Smoking Gun, Blazing Saddle (or, Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire part “n”)

Two documents at the Vietnam Archive at Texas Tech University at Lubbock, TX, shed some light on sKerry’s meetings with the North Vietnam and Viet Cong representatives in Paris during the Vietnam War. The articles, a “circular” numbered 2150901039bin the archive and a “directive” numbered 2150901041, are Viet Cong documents that show both the favorable lightin which the Vietcong viewed the VVAW (Kerry’s organ) and Kerry’s parroting of the negotiating stance—point-by-point—of Madame Binh, the head of the Vietcong’s “delegation” to the Paris Peace Talks.

See the article at The New York Sun, the one at Worldnet Daily and , the one at is, of course, the most detailed as it is founded and staffed mostly by former Vietnam Vets… That article, titled, “John Kerry and the VVAW: Hanoi’s American Puppets?” includes commentary/analysis such as

[These] newly uncovered documents help clarify the relationship of the North Vietnamese, the Vietcong, the PCPJ, the Communist Party of the USA, and John Kerry’s VVAW. They indicate that these organizations worked closely together, using the Paris Peace Talks as a central point of communication, to employ the strategy and tactics devised by the Vietnamese communists to achieve their primary objective: the defeat of the United States of America in Vietnam.

But do read the whole thing. If, after reading it, you do not believe the portion of the XIV Amendment that refers to “an officer of the United States” having unauthorized dealings with an enemy of the United States during time of war compelling disqualification from holding office in the Senate applies to sKerry, then you need to re-read the article(s).

After returning from his first meeting with Madame Binh, sKerry began promoting her talking points, item by item, even going so far as to slander all the troops who were in Vietnam as war criminals before the Fullbright Committee and “confessing” to having committed “war crimes” himself in TV and newspaper interviews.

The question you must ask yourself is this: having lied and betrayed his country and his “band of brothers” in order to kick start his public lust for power, and having continued by means of lies large and small (invented “facts” and mythic “accomplishments”) to promote himself while marking time in the Senate, even continuing to lie to this very day about his record there, can you trust him to do a single damned thing he says he’ll do? Or should you instead count on him to do as he has done in the past, that is, do everything in his power to assure the defeat of an America weakened by his actions?

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