2 Replies to “Yeh, Not Gonna Try Something Like This”

  1. In my 30s I once moved an upright piano single-handed in order to decorate. I took out the action and removed the upper and lower front panels. The metal frame is what makes it heavy. Likewise, I shall not be doing it again now I am 30 years older.

    1. Yeh, pianos can be. . . fun, eh? In my late 30s, a friend of mine disassembled his grand, boxed it up, and we wrangled it carefully into the moving van for his move to a new position at a different university (new instrumental professorship). That was fun. In my 20s and 30s I moved several pianos solo. I used all the mechanical advantages I could leverage. Two times I had help, and those were easy-peasy. The last one, though, was 30 years ago when I was in my early 40s. 100-year-old upright grand. Was fun. . . sorta. I was able to disassemble a few parts, but it was essentially entire when I lifted onto a dolly I had built, one end at a time. Moved well, thereafter, if not easily. *heh* Last move. No more.

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