Happy Birthday, Wolfgang!

…Wherever you are…

Today (edit: well, OK, yesterday when this post was written–heh) marks the 250th anniversary of the birthday of Mozart. Below is a short piece written by the pre-teen (nine years old) Mozart during a visit to London in 1765. It’s the only known piece of his that was originally written in English. From Psalm 46:1, God Is Our Refuge and Strength:


The graphic is linked to a Sibelius Music version of the piece. You can view/play it using the free Scorch plugin (available at the site) or view it there and listen to it by clicking below.

Happy Birthday, Wolfie!

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Singing out loud and strong at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Don Surber’s, NIF, Basil’s Blog, TMH’s Bacon Bits and Weekend Specials at Jo’s Cafe.

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