“Kill the innocent; save the guilty”

The battle cry of socialists, soi-disant* progressives and democraps might as well be, “Kill the innocent; save the guilty.”


Typically, those who shudder at the thought of wasting 9 months of a woman’s life “unwillingly” carrying a baby to term (whether she was willing to have the sexual congress that led to her pregnancy or not) and cry us a river over the death penalty applied to the latest scum-du-jour multiple murderer, want an innocent girl put to death.

Just read the whole thing, and follow the links.

[Thanks Woody, for highlighting this story.]

Flogged at TMH’s BaconBits’s (don’tcha love alla the apostrophes?) Bacon Break – Blonde Bombshell.

*You have no idea how many years it took me to exorcise an extra “s” I kept adding to this term… *sigh* 😉

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