Interesting. Needs garlic.

Found at Jerry Pournelle’s, the “Implicit Association Test”.

Sadly, not unlike the MMPI and other such tests, the Racial Preference test could not categorize my responses… any of the three times I took it. Not a “no preference shown” but “could not determine”.

I think the idea’s not bad, but it needs garlic. heh.

Other tests include the

Gender-Career IAT: Gender – Career. This IAT often reveals a relative link between family and females and between career and males.

Age IAT: Age (‘Young – Old’ IAT). This IAT requires the ability to distinguish old from young faces. This test often indicates that Americans have automatic preference for young over old.

And the
Asian IAT: Asian American (‘Asian – European American’ IAT). This IAT requires the ability to recognize White and Asian-American faces, and images of places that are either American or Foreign in origin.

Are these more accurate than Blogthing-type quizes? Maybe. But then again, p-sych as a “science” has serious limitations.

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