Examining the Taxonomy of Congresscritters/0PEN P0ST

No, not here. That’s a project that takes serious talent and insight. Therefore, it’s being undertaken by the fine writers at TMH’s Bacon Bits, with DL taking the bit between teeth this week. I will admit to having offered some refinements to DL’s proposal (linked above), but that’s just the work of a pygmy standing on a giant’s shoulders.

I will say that the work there is vaguely reminiscent of this throw-off post wherein I attempted a very loose first approximation description of “Liberalist Personality Disorder” (and promised a description of Conservative Personality Disorder that has not yet materialized).

(Oh, maybe you should just get this book, instead. It’ll even help you understand Jean Fraud sKerry!)

0PEN P0ST. If you don’t know what to do, check the OTA Provider/FAQ page or leave a note in comments.

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This post is offered for *cough* “peer review” at Adam’s Linkfest Haven and at Diane’s Stuff

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