The War On Hibiscus

A cautionary tale…

[Blair] Davis heard a knock on the door. He went to answer, but, as the July 29 Houston Chronicle reports, “he hadn’t even gotten his hand on the doorknob when it flew open and he was looking at the barrel of a pistol.”

Davis’ crime? He was growing Texas Star Hibiscus–an ornamental plant with smoothe dark green leaves and decorative white (or red) “star” flowers—in his front yard. Some “concerned citizen” mistook it for marijuana, the cops were too stupid to check and… manhandling, a thorough search of his home (they also found some bamboo and cantaloupes! Shocking!) and intense questioning “What are you planning on doing with the melons!”—the doofs) resulted.


But, in my own experience, more and more typical of LEOs: assume guilt, especially in absence of any evidence.

h.t Joel Miller via Paul Jacob

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