“For unto us a Child is born… “

[N.B. When I wrote the following rather hurriedly several years ago for a Christmas program, I always intended to go back and “fix” verse 2. Still haven’t, so it’s been ommited as well as some transitional material. I notice I didn’t edit out all the material in the midi file, but it’s getting late, so… 🙂 ]

A Child is Born

For unto us a Child is born,
To us a Son is giv’n,
And of His peace and righteous reign
Shall be no end, shall be no end…

…So as once knelt at manger-side
The shepherds with their praise,
Do we who gladly gather here
Our anthem raise, our anthem raise

For unto us a Child is born,
To us a Son is giv’n,
And of His peace and righteous reign
Shall be no end, shall be no end.

A Child is Born

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