“Last” Day of 2018-2019 Pubschool. . .

. . .here in America’s Third World County™. . . until Summer School starts on May 28. *heh*

The last couple of weeks of pubschool reveal its essential nature as “prisons for kids” or “glorified daycare.” *sigh*

Oh, and when did “graduation” from eighth grade (or sixth grade or KINDERGARTEN) get to be a big deal? OK, maybe I could understand making a big deal of eighth grade graduation back in my grandfather’s day when an eighth grade education carried some sort of meaning, but now? #feh “Here’s your meaningless piece of paper certifying that you are ‘graduating’ to a status of lowest of the low, wandering generality in a sea of your elders, bottom of the pecking order. Buh-bye!”

And kindergarten graduation?!? “Congratulations! You are no longer just a tadpole! You are now a tadpole with a piece of paper you can’t read and the start of being a tadpole with legs! Enjoy your next twelve years of regimentation!”

2 Replies to ““Last” Day of 2018-2019 Pubschool. . .”

  1. One of my coworkers just went to his daughter’s preschool graduation. Halfway into it he had to go home to accept a delivery.

    At least she wasn’t handed a bill for her accomplishment.

    1. “At least she wasn’t handed a bill for her accomplishment.”

      ‘S’all right. Her dad’ll be paying it off for decades. . . so to speak.

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