. . .here in America’s Third World County™. . . until Summer School starts on May 28. *heh*
The last couple of weeks of pubschool reveal its essential nature as “prisons for kids” or “glorified daycare.” *sigh*
Oh, and when did “graduation” from eighth grade (or sixth grade or KINDERGARTEN) get to be a big deal? OK, maybe I could understand making a big deal of eighth grade graduation back in my grandfather’s day when an eighth grade education carried some sort of meaning, but now? #feh “Here’s your meaningless piece of paper certifying that you are ‘graduating’ to a status of lowest of the low, wandering generality in a sea of your elders, bottom of the pecking order. Buh-bye!”
And kindergarten graduation?!? “Congratulations! You are no longer just a tadpole! You are now a tadpole with a piece of paper you can’t read and the start of being a tadpole with legs! Enjoy your next twelve years of regimentation!”
One of my coworkers just went to his daughter’s preschool graduation. Halfway into it he had to go home to accept a delivery.
At least she wasn’t handed a bill for her accomplishment.
“At least she wasn’t handed a bill for her accomplishment.”
‘S’all right. Her dad’ll be paying it off for decades. . . so to speak.