
The “consolation prize” Romeocat speaks about in her Advent Meditation for today isn’t the kind handed out to losers. No, it’s real, genuine comfort to those (hmmm… that’d be, oh, everyone 🙂 caught in the pinch of life.

Go, read, and while you’re there, let this one roll around in your sound space a bit. Text from Isaiah 40:1-3, “Comfort ye” from Messiah:

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“Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” KJV

Or, in a more modern version (one The Mary Hunter may recognize :-),

“Comfort, give comfort to my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her service is at an end, her guilt is expiated; Indeed, she has recieved from the hand of the Lord double for all her sins. A voice cries out: In the desert, prepare a way for the Lord! Make straight in the wastteland a highway for our God!” NAB

Caroled out at TMH’s Bacon Bits’ Bacon Break – Granite State o’ Mind

8 Replies to “Comfort”

  1. Thanks for the shout! Tho, um, sorry to disappoint, perhaps my next dance will be more raunchy…
    Besides I needed space to bash our own beloved Western moderates, elites and moonbats. 😉

  2. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits
  3. Yeh, I got that. There’s plenty of bashing to go around. I’d like to ALSO take GWB down to the woodshed for a lil ‘splainin’ about border control (and its attendant security issues in time of war), his mealy-mouthed non-denunciation of The Religion of Hate, Mass Murder, Rape, Pillage, Arson, Mutilation, Pedophillia and Slavery and general niceness to the Enemies of Civilization (be they democraps, Mass Media Podpeople, Loony Left Moonbats, Academia Nuts or their partners in crime, savagery, murder, etc.: Muslims…

    But then, that’s me…

  4. “And who can?t envy The English Guy having garnered his very own lil death threat from a splodydope? Now, isn?t that sweet? Now, where?s mine?”

    JUST a Death Threat? He He that is nothing. 😉

    I was once solemnly informed on the CAIR
    (Council on American-Islamic Relations) discussion board
    before the nuked that


    “There are now Hundreds of the Faithful praying to Allah on a daily
    basis that your Soul be Ripped Shrieking from your Body
    by the Angel of Darkness and thrown into the Bottomless Pit
    of Endless Torment for All Time.”

    Now you have to admit compared to that Death Threats are a trifle

    They also gave me a new username Kentucky Fried Caffir. 😉

    I am still kicking myself for not saving a screen shot of the exchange. ;-((

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