“Who Al Qaqaa’d all over the NYT?”

“Doug from Tejas” (post number 200, commenting at Polpundit on NYTrogate) has these offered titles for the NYT hype about Al Qaqaa:

“The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy”

“Operation Al Qakaa-Grad”

“Integrity-gate”; or “Integrity-Integrity-Integrity-gate”

“The Al Qakaa Compact”

“Pimp my Ride: Times Edition”


“Revenge of the Neo-Comm’s II: Good Morning Al Qakaa-nam”

“This years Cold Fusion Award for Journalism goes to…. The New York Times”

“OK, who Al Qakaa’d all over the Times?”

“Al Gore, meet Al Qakaa”

“The Times-Witch Project”

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