That Which Is “True” in Fiction. . .

. . .is sometimes metaphorically true in real life. For example,

“Nothing says ‘I love you’ like double-aught to the face.”

That might seem cold, but when dealing with a loved one who’s been turned into a zombie, it would nevertheless carry a truth.

In the real world, zombies of other kinds exist, primarily those whose destructive behaviors are the result of mindless herd (or pack) behavior, cultic devotion to a destructive leader, etc. In such cases, a metaphorical load of “double-aught to the face” can indeed be a loving act. Truth, forcefully or even brutally delivered, that demolishes belief structures that lead to destructive behaviors may sometimes be the only way to reach a loved one who has placed himself under bad influences.


“Nothing says ‘I love you’ like double-aught to the face.”

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