Things Like This Tick Me Off

. . . And by now, y’all should know how hard it is to tick me off. *heh*

Apparently, USA cable is running an NCIS “marathon.” I walked in on an episode where a volunteer first responder–known almost universally in state laws as a “Good Samaritan” and in the federal Volunteer Protection Act that is similar to state Good Samaritan laws simply as a volunteer–is threatened with charges for giving first aid to three people involved in an automobile wreck where one she attempted to aid died.

I throw the bullshit flag on the whole premise. Good Samaritan Laws and the “feddle gummint’s” own VPA protect good faith efforts by volunteers from such bogus persecution.

Of course, nowadays, law enFARCEment and “persecutors'” offices regularly sneer at actual legal restrictions on their misbehavior, so I can understand how lame-a$$ed, ill-informed writers could come up with the story line, but since some states Good Samaritan laws go even further and require bystanders to give aid, programs like this that assert ONLY certified medical personnel could give trauma first aid could get folks in some serious trouble.

Oh, another thing: when asked what he would do for the person who tried, but failed, to save his son’s life, the character said: “One word: whatever it takes.”

That is NOT one word. *sigh*

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