Finally, the Trash Takes Itself Out

Goodbye John Boehner. Don’t let the door hit you where the Lord split you. Or do. I DGARA.

To the K-Street insiders and Beltway Brigands bemoaning the demise of John Boehner’s reign as Speaker as a rebellion against common sense and political expediency (though in more or less loaded terms), I have the same word I said to Tom Eagleton’s face in 1980: There is a vast chasm between what is right and political expediency, and those who try to straddle it _always_ fail. Boehner’s political expediencies always led him to “compromise” in a manner designed to fail whatever was right, just, for the benefit of the Republic in favor of temporary political benefit for himself and other lackeys of the Left.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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