Yet Another Head-Scratcher

I take one prescription med. I buy one year’s supply all at once. Keep it in the fridge. Pharmacist was aghast that I did so. Why? Because of the “moist environment” in that cold, dehumidifier. . . Oh, and the med comes packaged in foil-sealed blister pack dosages. *sigh* What do they teach in “pharmacy school” nowadays?

Oh, and in further conversation my tinnitus entered the picture don’t ask how–long evolution). He mispronounced it “tin-EYE-tis (AFTER I had already pronounced it correctly). I gave him the “kinder, gentler” correction: “I’m a bit nerdy about things that I’m interested in. The ‘itis’ suffix refers to inflammatory conditions like arthritis and is spelled differently, pronounced differently, and has entirely different etymology and meaning than the the ‘itus’ that is part of ‘tinnitus,’ since tinnitus is NOT an inflammatory condition.”


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