Welcome a new blogger at third world county!

The English Guy posted his innaugural third world county post just a short while ago. Be sure to read A Border is…. You’ll want to read more of The English Guy‘s work, so just CLICK on his name in this post and go to one of his blogs, the eponymous The English Guy, of course!

After stopping in there to browse a bit, check out What’s Hot! (also another English Guy production) for cool new things and Balanced News Blog for Right-Left and Middle of the Road news-appropriately labeled so there are no games with the presentation.

I look forward to more as he drops in from time to time, when his busy schedule allows.

Thanks, man! Great article!

Linked at Don Surber, NIF, MacStansbury, Right Wing Nation, Thanksgiving Week Open Trackbacks at Choose Life! (Note that one, folks-looks like someone may be taking aim at NIF’s attempted Mongous Trackback Post. heh), Blogin’ Outloud

[Update: edited an amphibolous sentence]

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