Just plain dumb luck…

…and a ticked off neighbor

It sure wasn’t “Homeland Security” (whatever that means this week) at work… at least not the good ole American kind.

Al-Qaida Operative Nabbed Near Mexican Border

“An al-Qaida operative who was on the FBI’s terrorist watch list was recently captured near the Mexican border, housed in a Texas jail and turned over to federal agents, Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas, said on Friday… The Iraqi national “had apparently aggravated a neighbor in Mexico, who turned him in to Mexican authorities,” he explained. Mexican officials then turned him over to the U.S. officials… “

Plain dumb luck. If we had good border security, we’d not have to depend on dumb luck, though.

Report: 10 Million Illegal Aliens in U.S.

Gee. The Al-Qaeda guy woulda been better off to do his observations from the U.S. side of the border, eh? Yeh, well, there are probably plenty of ’em doing that already. “Border Patrol,” “Homeland Security”… pull the other one.

Build a sieve and call it a border.

Institute harrassment of Medal of Honor receipients, active duty military (in uniform and with orders), nursing mothers (drink that breast milk, ma’am!) and call it “air travel security”. (Do I have to link to these well-documented events?)


Linked at Committees of Correspondence, Is It Just Me?, Don Surber, NIF, Robinik.net, The Political Teen, MacStansbury, Right Wing Nation, and Thanksgiving Week Open Trackbacks at Choose Life! (Note that one, folks-looks like someone may be taking aim at NIF’s attempted Mongous Trackback Post. heh), Blogin’ Outloud, The Florida Masochist

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