Simple, Good Eats

I like simple, one-pot recipes. Cube a couple of steaks and brown ’em. Add chopped peppers and onion (and some freshly ground black pepper). Toss in a cuppa rice, some tumeric (& whatever *heh*), and a couple of cupsa beer. Lil later, add some frozen peas. Let it all kinda simmer a while, then chow.

Oh, some beer batter bread is a nice accompaniment.

And another beer. 😉

2 Replies to “Simple, Good Eats”

    1. I use our slow cooker quite a bit, especially for cuts of meat I might otherwise roast or for cooking stews, etc. I cooked this one in a 12” skillet on an induction “burner”. Worked well for me. If I had started the meat in the slow cooker in the AM, I could have braised it in the beer, slowly, and the dish would have been even better, I think. *shrugs* Tasty, filling and nutritious anyway.

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