If this doesn’t move you…

…then you need a heart and soul transplant.

Just CLICK HERE or on the pic below


If you can watch the linked Flash presentation and not be moved deeply, just go away. I don’t want to know you.

Linked at The Uncooperative Blogger, Don Surber, Peakah’s Productions, Stop the ACLU, Soldier’s Angel, Common Sense Runs Wild, MVRWC, Outside the Beltway, MacStansbury, Right Wing Nation, Where are my socks?, TMH’s Bacon Bits, NIF (where TJ continues to “blog by trackback-proxy”), Basil’s Sunday Brunch, and Mensa Barbie.

[BTW, click here for an explanation of an obscure term used in the background music.]

Crossposted to Cathouse Chat

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