Bear with me, ‘K?

*sigh* Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet…

But sometimes, the bullet, she bites back. heh

As you can see (unless you’re a first-time reader :-), I’ve changed my blog template. The old one had become inexplicably corrupted a couple of weeks ago, things were crowded and messy, oh, heck, it was just time for a change.

This template (bones obtained here and totally screwed up by me, no doubt-heh) was pretty much what I was looking for–3 columns, barebones layout. Pretty simple, really. I still have quite a bit of work getting some of the scripted blogrolls to display properly, and you’ll notice a lot of archived (and even some from as recent as… the beginning of this week!) posts will look a bit wonky–especially if any graphics have been inserted that were sized for the old layout in absolute sizing instead of percentages. Because of Blogger glitches, I’ve also used three or four different ways (different softwares, different uploading techniques) to keep things going over the last couple of weeks, especially. Those Blogspot glitches seem to have cleared up with the last coupla server changes, so maybe future posts will be better, and I may even have time to go back and fix a few of the more recent ugly posts.

But posting is going to be intermixed with tweaking over the next few days (or week), so expect a slightly bumpy ride, eh?


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