Kudos. . . tempered

OK, so “city” workers here in third world county central deserve kudos for fast response. “City” planners, notsomuch.

So, spent last night vacc-ing and pumping and santitizing. The vacc-ing and pumping was at least 300 gallons of. . . sewage backup. Yeh, the sanitizing was a . . . gas. (Chlorine bleach–what I had on hand–combining with organic compounds: fun.) *sigh*

Things had slowed down a bit to the rate of about 15 gallons every half hour to 45 minutes by 8:00 this morning (cleanout to recepticle with pump). Called the “city” (yes, “emergency” number was worthless, as was number for water/sanitation department) after one such session. “City” clerk said he’d relay the message. Checked 30 minutes later. No effluent. Blockage down line had been cleared. Son&Heir told me he’d seen a “city” work truck a few minutes before heading toward a down line sewer access.

Quick response. Fast work. I wonder, though, just what someone dumped down their toilet. . . this time. (Yeh, this has happened two other times over the past 18.5 years here.)

Bad rap to “city” planners, though. The eight-inch sewer line is far, far smaller than it needs to be to serve all the households that have been added since it was initially installed. They KNOW it’s undersized, but a sports park etc. has priority over infrastructure improvements (and this isn’t the only one going begging).

But the repair crews are not too shabby (when the work order actually gets put on their list).

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