ISP? Usually OK

Mediacom cable Internet is usually OK. . . until someone upstream decides to “improve” things, in which case things are usually SNAFUed beyond usability for a while and then level out.

Some time back, the company began capping usage. For my account “level” my usage caps at 250GB/month. *meh* It’s not bad, since our usage–even with more than a few streaming videos and LOADS of software downloads (I try out just about every OS I can load into a VM, for example, which usually run at 1GB or more/download)–is not really that heavy.


Heck, last month we only used about half our allotted usage. Well, most of the Poirot videos we watched last month were just in SD (because the older shows weren’t offered in HD, of course), so that sort of thing kept usage down a bit.

Even with the occasional “Hey! Let’s fix somthing that ain’t broke. . . yet” downtimes, the reasonable usage allowance and generally workable D/L-U/L speeds make our cable service a better buy than local DSL (*gagamaggot*).


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