PC Sales: Doom and Gloom from Hivemind Tech Writers

The sky is falling! The sky is falling! It’s the end of the world!

Bloomberg noting a “causation” that. . . may be just in the “mind” of Bloomberg’s editorial staff:

Microsoft Windows Weak Demand Spurs Worst PC Slump on Record

Correlation does not equal causation, Bloomies. Try to keep that in mind.

How about some breathless hyperbole?

Microsoft has no fast Windows fixes as PC sales crater

Oh, *yawn* IMO, just as a casual observer with access to the same sets of facts as the authors of the two articles linked, this is just a blip. I fully expect PC sales to stabilize after a while at a very naturally lower level than in recent years as more and more causal “content consumer” users find that tablets and dumb phones work just fine for their casual web browsing, listening to mind-numbing mp3 crap, watching cute cat videos and sending/receiving one-line emails that might as well just be text messages, complete with iPho-nono typos.

Folks who need to do more will still buy and use PCs, and more and more users who were once destined for Assisted Computing Facilities (“Here, dearie, let me make that mouse click for you. . . “) discover that their meager “computing” needs can be met with meager computing devices.

Of course, that could put a dent in the livelihoods of folks who assisted those “meager needs” users in fixing problems they’d caused themselves, but in days of yore buggy whip makers had to find other ways to make a living, too.

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