
No, get your mind outa the gutter. LC Aggie Sith recommended Rubber as a movie that’s “so bad it’s good,” so… I watched it. Mini-spoilers, perhaps, follow:

Little things give it a “fail” in the supposed American ambiance the director was going for. Example: kid, when asked “Don’t you have some homework to do?” responded, “I’m on holiday”–not typical Americanism (which would’ve been “vacation” not “holiday”). It’s replete with other failures of detail (“Sheriff” morphing to “Lieutenant” etc.) that would probably pass with a European audience but any semi-conscious American viewer with more than two active brain cells would immediately recognize this as the product of a foreign mindset.

Still, as an attempt at absurdity, it’s almost successful. Enjoyed it somewhat. I loved the scene where the “sheriff” removed a tire from his vehicle and… the wheel was magically gone; only the tire remained. There are so very many of these minor little things that the primary disconnect from a rational world seems trivial by comparison.

If you’re in the mood for some senseless gore, it’ll do the trick for you. You’ll likely recognize at least one B Movie actor (there are a couple or three *heh*) in the whole flick, and no he doesn’t play “Robert”. *heh*

Strange. This is the only “talkie” I can recall seeing where the lead has no lines at all… 😉 But “he” does undergo a rather interesting “character development” in the end. *heh*

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